Healthy Penis Pride: Compliments Guys Want To Hear In Bed

Getting compliments in bed is something all men enjoy, and presenting a healthy penis that one can be proud of increases the chances of hearing compliments from a bed partner. Getting flattering compliments is a good reinforcement for practicing proper penis care, but what are some of the specific things a man wants to be told? Ladies, take note of the following.

Praise for performance.

This is a fact. All men like to be told that their sexual performance was incredible. Even men with a high degree of self-confidence like to know that their expertise is appreciated. There are many ways a woman can express her admiration. Certainly a simple “That was amazing!” It goes a long way, but there are other routes too: “I’m going to tingle for weeks”, “Ugh! Where in the name of God did you learn that?” and “You have spoiled me for all the other men” are surefire winners. So is giving the man a new nickname, like Conan or Maximus. Do you think any of these are a bit of a stretch? When a man’s sexual ego is stroked, there is no such thing as too much or too much.

Talk about size.

This is also a fact. No matter how modest a man may be, he wants to be told that his member is a worthy player in the sex game. Sometimes this may require manipulating the truth a bit: “Once it was inside of me, it felt so huge,” for example. As with performance, it is virtually impossible to over-praise the size of a man’s organ. So have a picnic with him!

Don’t neglect the aspect of manhood.

Size isn’t everything, of course. A boy also likes to be told that what he has between his legs is as handsome as the rest of him. When it comes to a healthy penis, this is easy to do. Among the things one can praise about a boy’s member are the following:

– The shape. Whether it’s straight as an arrow or has a sharp curve, a woman scores points for mentioning how precisely the shape of the member fits inside her and how its shape seems specially sculpted to give her pleasure.

– The skin. When soft, a penis often has wrinkled skin, but when erect it becomes firm and taut. Let a man know how soft and supple his skin feels. Pay special attention to properly hydrated skin; a guy wants points for keeping dry, flaky skin at bay.

– The color. On a nice and even skin tone it deserves to be noticed. While it is natural for there to be variations in tone from one part of the penis to another, men like to avoid red spots or rashes that can spoil the appearance. Give a guy a pat on the back for being successful in this area.

– The fragance. Or the lack of it, actually. A light musk can be exciting, but too many men find themselves cursed with a penis that emits an unpleasant smell that is difficult to remove.

Men who work hard to maintain a healthy penis are likely to receive more compliments on the appearance of their manhood. If a man’s organ is missing in this area, your partner may suggest you make a superior penis health cream. (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) a part of your daily routine. When that cream comes with vitamin A, the man is taking a step towards eliminating unwanted odors. Vitamin A has antibacterial properties that attack the root of aromatic problems. A cream with a powerful antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid is also crucial to ensure the health of men’s skin, as it combats the premature aging of the cells of the penis. And if L-arginine is among the ingredients in the cream, so much the better; This ingredient helps the oxygenation of the cells of the penis and helps prevent the vision of broken capillaries. A suitable cream will enhance a man’s pride and make his manhood an even more welcome gift for his partner.

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